My Weblog

Just another weblog

first blog

like a coal miner my brain has been working on finding a definition of life. seeing this is a subject where loosing your mind is easy, if i make a start now then maybe i might be able to screw my head on a little bit tighter and be happier about my current state of madness. destined to go to the same place as so many smart and stupid people have, i drop my pants and begin pissing my thoughts out in front of me. between the puddles of my wet urine i came up with something to be momentarally proud of.

life is a rumplestiltskin effect. good on you if you know what that means, but i’ll tell you what it means seeing i only just found out what it means 30mins before i began this blog and because the definition itself is better than me trying to describe it. the rumplestiltskin effect is the error of merely giving something a name and imagining that one thereby understands it. THIS IS LIFE!!!

now i imagine some of you smart people out there can think of better ways to sum up life in which case you can stop reading now and begin fingerbanging your ego, and i hope you enjoy it.

thaz all homies

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